2019/2020: Olga Kholmogorova & Luzia Neufang


Age: 19

I was born in: Vienna, Austria

Where am I inconsequent? Only reading one more page of a book in bed

I get enthusiastic about: hiking, books and good conversations

What is my secret talent? Always finding something postive about a situation

Always a good idea? exploring new places

Never a good idea? Getting stressed

Life motto: “ If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table not a taller fence“.



Age: 24

I was born in: Russia

Where am I inconsequent? Studying Czech

I get enthusiastic about: Travelling a lot

What is my secret talent? My secret talent is painting

Always a good idea? Meeting friends, read books

Never a good idea? No idea))

Life motto: “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet“.