2022/2023: Hannah Ziesche & Blau Hellin Regany


Age: 18, but I will turn 19 on the 10th of October
I was born in: Forst, Germany
Where am I inconsequent: Getting enough sleep
I get enthausiastic about: Beer
What is my secret talent? Cooking chicken soup.
Always a good idea? Wearing pink.
Never a good idea? Not charging your phone before going out.


Age: 23 (I will turn 24 on the 2nd of December, so don’t know what should I put…)
I was born in: Lleida, Catalonia
Where am I inconsequent: Arriving punctual in a meet up with friends
I get enthusiastic about: Pedagogy, travels, meting with my friends and with new people, enjoying the sun, listening to a good conversation and learning something different every day
What is my secret talent? I can handle a bottle on my head, haha!
Always a good idea? Enjoying the day in the nature with friends (and some tasty food)…
Never a good idea? Texting me with a lot of WhatsApps. If something is very important, just call me.